Jukka Vahti works as a Project Director on Sitra’s Democracy and Participation theme’s Digital Power and Democracy project. In his work, he particularly focuses on the challenges facing democracy caused by the rapidly changing media environment, social media and dis- and misinformation, and on increasing understanding of the social significance of data and digital power. Jukka is one of the authors of the “Tracking Digipower – How Data Can Be Used for Influencing Decision-makers and Steering the World” report published in May 2022. In addition, he was the co-author of the Sitra report Mediavälitteinen yhteiskunnallinen vaikuttaminen — Murros ja tulevaisuus (“Media-mediated societal influence – a transition and the future”) published in January 2021. Previously, Jukka has been closely involved in Sitra’s Updating Democracy project and is also one of the hosts of Sitra’s podcast on a good future.
Project Director, Sitra