Kim Struyf graduated in 2005 as bachelor applied Psychology at the Lessius academy. As a trainee she started working with people with an autism spectrum disorder. A field she loved and she continued this for 8 years. Her idea is that it is important for people to enjoy life and experience challenges and she translates this into her daily life and that of others. In doing so she creates a positive culture around people. In 2013 Kim started in Heder as a team coach, changed to coordinator and later on to director. She is a real team player, being capable of working with all people inside and outside Heder. Setting goals together, listening to people’s ideas and motivation. She gives people responsibility and guidance in bringing out the best in themselves and others. She can follow ongoing processes, be critical about herself and others, intervening in a calm and clear way where and when is necessary. She’s authentic and ambitious, a combo that inspires. She is proud to be part of the mIKs-it team.
Director Early Development, Heder