Kaisa Rissanen is the leader of SomeBuddy’s Emergency Unit solving online crime and conflicts in a multidisciplinary team of lawyers, psychologists and social psychologists. SomeBuddy is an innovation providing legal and psychological help for victims of harassment and bullying, such as sexual harassment, stalking, revenge porn, demeaning, impersonation or sharing sensitive information without consent. SomeBuddy has helped individuals in thousands of cases and is currently protecting over 300,000 people. Parallel, Kaisa has also contributed to the field of human-centric justice design and published a peer-reviewed article on the topic in “Oikeus” journal. She’s always up to a conversation around the interfaces between technology and justice, cybercrime and its impacts to both individuals and society. Feel free to contact her kaisa.rissanen@somebuddy.com.
Head of Legal and Operations, SomeBuddy