Dr. Jan De Bruyne is Assistant Professor digital law at eLaw in Leiden and research expert on AI/data and law at KU Leuven Centre for IT & IP Law (CiTiP). He is also working as a senior researcher at the Flemish Knowledge Centre for Data & Society and as a lecturer e-contracts within the Master of Intellectual Property and ICT Law at the KU Leuven. He has numerous publications in academic journals and books on the regulation of AI, and is the editor of the book ‘Artificial intelligence and the law’ (Intersentia, 2022). He is a member of Leuven.AI as well as of different other academic institutions (e.g. ICAV, CVGR,…). He has also acted as an expert on AI and liability for the European Economic and Social Committee and has been involved in the adoption of the UNESCO Recommendation on the ethics of AI.
Research expert, KU Leuven CiTiP and Assistant professor, eLaw Leiden