This session is hosted by Fredrik Lindén
Title: Governance as code.
Speaker: Marine Dechamp-Guillaume, OKP4
More and more Data Spaces initiatives are emerging in Europe and the world. They can have more or less centralized governance based on centralized or decentralized technologies.
The benefits of a decentralized protocol to manage the governance of personal data in a Data Space are transparency, decentralization, and security. Moreover, this kind of protocol can orchestrate workflows of data and services and go beyond data exchange.
The OKP4 protocol to enhance knowledge creation needs robust governance mechanisms to ensure that knowledge is managed effectively, ethically, and aligned with the organization’s strategic objectives. It defines the rules, policies, structures, and mechanisms governing how knowledge is collected and used, contributing to accountability and transparency inside the protocol.
Title: Transforming data into assets
Speakers: Tadej Fius & Crt Ahlin, Datafund
With web3 solutions we can take a step into the future of cloud storage, decentralized artificial intelligence and transform data into assets in a fair way.