Solideo Systems leverage decades of experience working with Korea’s government to bring public services closer to citizens, empowering individuals, government agencies, and businesses with a human-centric data sharing infrastructure that fosters open ecosystems across public and private sectors of Korea.
Our website is currently undergoing renewal work. Unfortunately, the English homepage is scheduled to reopen at the end of May. In the meantime, please refer to the English introduction materials available on the current homepage.
What “human-centric data in practice” means to your organisation?
At Solideo Systems, “human-centric data in practice” means prioritizing user experience, ensuring data privacy, and promoting ethical use of technology to enhance lives. Our commitment to human-centered innovation bridges the gap between technology and humanity, creating meaningful, positive impacts on individuals and communities.
Why partners with MyData 2023 Conference?
We want to be part of the MyData global movement.