The Finnish Innovation Fund Sitra is a future-oriented organisation that promotes Finland’s competitiveness and the well-being of the Finnish people. We anticipate societal change, try out new operating models and accelerate business activities aimed at creating sustainable well-being.
Sitra’s Digital Power and Democracy project is taking the lead in partnering with MyData 2023 Conference. The project produces information on new forms of digital power and enables people to make a difference in matters that are important to them. The project is a part of Sitra’s theme of Democracy and Participation. The aim of the theme is to renew and strengthen democracy so that everyone in Finland has the opportunity to participate in and influence the development of an inspiring future. Please check more info from the following links.
What “human-centric data in practice” means to your organisation?
Data is bits and bytes, ones and zeros. Data is not human-centric or anti-human, but the organisations consisting of people behind the data possibly are. In practice it’s about the choices of an organisation. Human-centricity in an organisation starts by treating individuals – customers, end-users, partners and staff – as key stakeholders. Complying with GDPR or other data protection regulation is no reason to boast. Regrading human-centricity, the proper questions organisations need to ask themselves are simple: Are people truly in control over their personal data? How easy does your organisation make it? Are you being open and transparent about data collection and use? Do you inform individuals about data use in plain language? Are you giving any choices regarding data usage? Are you really worthy of the individuals’ trust (e.g. no sharing of data to third parties without unequivocal consent)? From an individual’s point of view, how fair are your data processes? Are your rules for data processing available and open to scrutiny? What is the compensation or the benefit to users for using data? How would trust- and consent-based data sharing benefit the individuals in addition to your own organisation? The most important thing for a human-centric data economy is the individual’s ability to influence the use of data as part of a viable and fair digital ecosystem.
Why partners with MyData 2023 Conference?
The MyData movement wants to help people and organisations to benefit from personal data in a human-centric way and also believes in the right of individuals to control their own data. So do we. Not enough organisations today understand the importance of it. That’s why we want to be part of MyData 2023, a leading conference regarding human-centric data practices.